
Showing posts with the label computer science

Should I join Jadavpur University for BE(Bachelor in Engineering) in Computer Science?

       Located in Kolkata, West Bengal, Jadavpur University is one of the top ranked universities in India. It has a reputation for academic excellence and its Department of Computer Science and Engineering is particularly well regarded. If you are thinking of studying BE in Computer Science at Jadavpur University, you might be wondering if it is the right choice for you. In this post, we'll explore some of the factors you should consider before making your decision.  Academic Reputation: Jadavpur University is known for its academic excellence, especially in the field of Computer Science. The Department of Computer Science and Computing is one of the most respected in the country and its faculty members are experienced researchers and educators. If you are looking for a rigorous academic program that will challenge you and give you a strong foundation in computer science, Jadavpur University is an excellent choice. Course Syllabus: The BE in Computer Science program at Jadavpur Un

Producer Consumer Problem : Operating System : Semaphores

          A very well known synchronization problem in the study of Operating System is the Producer-Consumer Problem. Any new synchronization technique should be able to solve this problem. This problem may be solved using one of the software synchronization tools called - Semaphore.  Problem :   There is a shared buffer, a Producer and a Consumer. The buffer is used for putting any new item produced by the Producer. Consumer consumes items from the buffer. Now, the problem is - as the buffer is shared and two processes are accessing the buffer simultaneously, there may be inconsistency of data. So we need a synchronization method , such that, the storing of item within buffer by Producer, and the accessing of items from buffer by Consumer is synchronized, so that buffer data remains consistent. To achieve this we must ensure that -     Only one process at a time should access the buffer.     Producer can't produce if buffer is full.     Consumer can't consume if buffer is emp