
Showing posts with the label backend

5 Best PHP IDE (FREE) For PHP Web Development

  What is a PHP ide or PHP code editor:     PHP is a very popular backend web development programming language of all time. PHP is a very nice web application development language. A code editor is a software which helps us to write, understand and debug code faster. In the same manner, a PHP ide(integrated development environment) or PHP text editor helps us to do various stuffs with PHP code faster, which in return improves our productiveness in developing PHP web application. Every PHP editor automatically highlight syntax  of our PHP code and auto complete our code which gives us tremendous speed in development process. With that being said let's see the 5 best free PHP ide for your smooth workflow. 1. Eclipse :     Eclipse is a free PHP code editor, which you can use so easily in your day to day PHP development. It supports various color themes for you to write your code in your comfortable way. You can check their documentation and download the IDE from there official website

Send AJAX Request to PHP using jQuery.

 PHP is a very commonly used language for backend web development. This is used to make dynamic websites with a database connection. Now there are two types of request that can be sent to a PHP file GET and POST. In the normal case if you sent any request a PHP file the page will be refreshed, which will surely decrease the User Experience. Also in some web applications it may happen that you have to send request to a PHP file very frequently. In these situations we have another way to send request and receive response from the PHP file. It can be done through Ajax or XMLHttp request. Normal Javascript can be used to write a code for AJAX but I will recommend jQuery to do this task as it is time saving and less code have to be written.  At first include the jQuery CDN link above the closing </BODY> tag . You can get it from here--> <script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4="

Is PHP dead ? What to use in backend ?

  So, hello everyone welcome to another blog. Now the question that leads you to this blog post is that which language should we use in the backend of website. For about two decades, PHP was soo famous in web backend development and was the compulsory language for backend developers. But, nowadays, some says that PHP is dead , he is no more, leave it, kill it and so on. So, what's the matter actually and what to learn. Okay, let's point out one thing that--  Do you know Wordpress is the biggest platform for blog websites. Very interestingly,  it is totally on PHP. Also, PHP is made and brought up only and specially for web development. Also PHP is very compatible with HTML and CSS websites.  People who say that PHP is dead actually they somehow hate this language. But trust me it is not true. In this days, in the web 79.1 % websites are on PHP.  Also it has a very strong userbase throughout the world.  Also, let me mention some giant websites which are world famous all time an